Day Four Hundred and Fifty of Unemployment-Fifty and Unemployed

Ran to Free Yoga at Oakridge Lululemon

I got up early this morning to do my usual weekly run to the free yoga class at Lululemon at Oakridge. I wondered how I was going to run since the last time I ran I felt so slow. I left myself plenty of time to get to class just in case I wasn’t able to run very fast.

As I set off, I felt the old me running. I felt light and fast as I ran up the hill. I did feel a bit of twinge in my Achilles tendon area but not enough to worry me. I wondered why I would feel so slow and lethargic one day and then the next, feel fast and inspired?

I wondered how I would feel on the marathon day morning. Would I be in good form or would I be dragging my feet? I hate that unpredictability. That’s the problem with entering any race at my age, I never know if I will be in good health or if I will have a running injury. That’s another reason why I never wanted to pay the high pricesĀ of the race entries. I’ve heard of too many stories of people who had to cancel and couldn’t get a refund.

Chat with Fellow Job Searcher

I had a chat with my fellow job searcher after yoga class. It was nice to have met somebody I could talk with about this. I’m still not sure what her financial situation is or how long she has been looking for a job.

She revealed one of her biggest concerns. She is from Hong Kong but has very good English. She said that whenever she saw a job listing requirement that said the candidate would need excellent spoken and written English, she would wonder if she should reply.

I assured her that she should still apply. That requirement is pretty standard and I don’t think that most jobs really need a very high level of English. Most native English speakers that I know use terrible grammar and their written English is terrible.

When I worked overseas I actually worked as an editor and was somebody who did correct English usage (spoken and written). But for almost any of the jobs that I’ve had here, rarely has there been a real need to have that level of ability. I would think that here in Vancouver, her multilingual abilities would be a great advantage. In any case, I think the best thing for her is self-confidence more than anything.

Long Run Today

After the yoga class, I felt pretty good. I had told myself ahead of time that I was going to do a long run and that I would not allow myself to give any excuses. I am running out of time to do long runs before the marathon next month, so I have to do this.

Luckily, the weather was sunny but not too warm. It wasn’t too hot to the point where I’d be dehydrated quickly either. I did have my water bottle with me though and I knew that I’d be able to last until the first water fountain on my route.

I didn’t encounter any fellow runners for the first six miles or so. I usually stop at the nude beach, Wreck beach to do the stairs but by passed it this time. By the time I got to the next beach, I had seen lots of runners. There were also lots of beach volleyballers in a tournament and spectators.

By the time I got to the last beach, Jericho, I was getting tired. I stopped at the tennis club to watch some squash for a short time before finishing my run. By the time I got home, I had logged in around twenty miles for the day. I was weary but not painfully so. I felt like I had accomplished a good long run today.

New Resume Written

My friend had emailed me some information about a job she did a few months ago. She pretended to be a patient for medical professionals. They would have to figure out the correct diagnosis. My friend enjoyed it and was asked back to work it again.

I checked out the link and it said that I would need to apply with a headshot and a resume. I didn’t know if I needed to submit a regular resume or an actor’s bio. I haven’t written an actor’s resume in a long time. I don’t have a formal headshot either. I took a photo of myself with a self-timer and that’ll have to do. I can’t afford to get a formal headshot done right now.

This is just a two-day gig in October but at this point, I’ll take anything I can get. It does sound like fun, too. I have played a patient many times on different TV shows and movies, so why not again?