Day Five Hundred and Two of Unemployment-Fifty and Unemployed –

More Cleaning and Clearing

I woke up early this morning to another sunny day. I was feeling a little cheerful. I think I was feeling happier because of the voiceover class that I signed up for yesterday. I was also feeling a little hopeful because of the possibility of another day’s work on a movie, even though that hasn’t been confirmed yet.

Ran to Class

I started out on my run this afternoon and before long, I was getting quite hot and sweaty. It was a lot milder than I thought it would be. Although it wasn’t warm enough to be considered a summer day, it was pretty nice.

I haven’t been having any pain from my Achilles tendon, which is good. However, I have been having a little trouble with my upper hamstring area. The pain is minimal but the strain is there. It’s not enough to even bother taking a pain medication for. I guess I will just continue stretching post run and mention it to my massage therapy student at the next appointment.

Clutter Organization Class

Today was my clutter organization class. We are at the half way point of the program and to my surprise, I have yet to miss a class. I’m not sure how much I’m actually learning from this class. There isn’t anything in particular that I didn’t already know. The trick is to actually put it all in motion.

I have to admit that it is good to be able to discuss my problems with other people who face the same challenges. It’s also good to be able to report my progress to them and to have them encourage and support me. I still have a long way to go and I hope I can step it up in the next weeks.

Ran into Old Co-worker

After class, I ran downtown to meet up with my old co-worker. We meet up almost every week and I’m glad that our friendship has survived my leaving the firm. She was on her way home.

We chatted a while and then, a few minutes later, another old co-worker came by. We hadn’t seen each other since I left the firm a year and a half ago. Oddly enough, at the beginning of our conversation, I really couldn’t remember much about her. It took me a while before I remembered all the names she was mentioning, her son, her husband and the rest of her family.

Then I also remembered how she used to always talk to me when I worked there about all of her problems. I was the only one who allowed her to go on and on about her life. The others cut her off or walked away. So here it was, happening again, where I’d let her talk on and on, and I was too polite to end it. After at least three attempts to get away, I finally broke free.

I had an odd feeling as I walked away. I couldn’t believe how much I had forgotten about my work life even though it’s been five hundred and two days since I left. And also, for all the angst and anxiety that I have experienced since losing my job, mostly due to financial worries, I had forgotten the good about losing that job, no longer having to put up with aggravating people at work and this encounter reminded me of it!

Earthquake Preparedness Class

I ran to a community center to attend an earthquake preparedness class. Since living in Taipei and Tokyo where I experienced many earthquakes, I have a different perspective about them than your typical Vancouverite. I have a keener awareness of the dangers and want to try to learn as much as possible to prepare for the possibility.

I take these classes every couple of years or so, just to keep me current and as a refresher. There were around 8 women, all around the same age as me, which I thought was curious. There were no men at all, whereas at other classes I’ve attended, there have been some men. I’m glad that I took this course and even won a book on BC earthquakes as a prize!

Notice of TV commercial audition

I checked my messages and discovered one from my extras agent. She said that she wanted to send me for an audition tomorrow. I was surprised since it’s been quite a while since I’ve done one.

This one tomorrow is for a TV commercial. It would be SOC, silent on camera, which is good because I hate memorizing lines! The character is to be a 50 something woman who is cooking with her late 20 something daughter. My agent suggested me and although I am 51 years old, the casting director had reservations about my looking too young.

That’s nice to look younger, but I’d rather get the work! I was instructed by them to wear a blouse and a cardigan and put my hair up. I could totally do that! My audition isn’t until after noon, so I’d still have time to get ready tomorrow. I went to bed hopeful.