Day Five Hundred and Four of Unemployment-Fifty and Unemployed

Woke Up Late

I had a good long sleep last night. I didn’t wake up until almost 9 AM! I was surprised because I usually naturally wake up by 7 or so. This is the second day that we have had heavy fog. I wonder if I slept in because I didn’t notice the sunrise?

I have been experiencing fairly good sleep lately. Last week, I felt so depressed and I tended to either over sleep or stay awake with anxiety. This week, as I start to feel more optimistic, I’ve found that I’ve been able to relax more and sleep more soundly.

Awards Ceremony Ticket Win

I received an email from my actor’s union saying that I had won a ticket for the awards ceremony in late November! I had entered a lottery for single tickets. Extra tickets cost $50. This promises to be quite the gala! I was happy to discover later that two other friends also won tickets so I will have people to hang out with. I know some of the nominees, too so I look forward to cheering them on!

Free Movie Screening Win

After being happy about my gala ticket win, I received an email saying that I had won a free movie pass to Robert Redford’s latest movie, All is Lost. I hear that it is Redford’s best performance of his career so I’m really looking forward to seeing it.

Closet Repair

My friend came over to help me re-assemble my closet. A few weeks ago, the rack had come off its pegs due to excessive weight. I wasn’t sure of how to repair it, nor did I really have the tools.

I had gathered up all of the hardware that had come off the nails and anchors and set them aside in a pouch. When my friend asked me for those pieces, I had no clue as to where I had put them. I looked all over and couldn’t find them. I finally remembered that I had put them in that pouch and found it.

So now I have my closet back and can start to put things back in it. I really want to be careful as to how I organize this closet. I want to get rid of as much stuff as possible. This presents the perfect opportunity for me to take a new direction. I may never be a minimalist but I can stop being a hoarder!

Checking Twitter for Friends

I decided to see if I could find some old friends and co-workers on twitter. I have to admit that I was a little surprised with what I found. For example, two friends who I had known in Tokyo over 20 years ago but lost touch with are both PhD’s teaching at universities. And they are also still married after 25 years.

All of the other people I looked up had exceeded my expectations of what they would become. I toy with the idea of following them on twitter but then change my mind. If I do, they will get notification that I am following them and that could initiate a reunion. I wouldn’t want to have them know my present situation, that being over fifty and unemployed.

Restaurant Revisit

I took out two of my friends tonight to the August Jack restaurant in my neighborhood for dinner. A few months ago, I had won a contest where I was supposed to get a special dinner and pairings for four people. That evening did not go well at all. We were all extremely disappointed. Long story short, management encouraged us to return to give them another chance.

We were reluctant to go but finally decided to try again. To our utter surprise, the meal went incredibly well! We all ordered drinks, entrees and a dessert. Everything exceeded our expectations. The food was incredible! We went from never wanting to return after our last visit to becoming big fans with this visit. This was such a treat. I hope that I’ll be able to become a regular once my financial situation improves. It’s just that good!

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